
  • Teresa Cristina Belchior dos Santos


Conflicts, Missionaries, Coaching Methodology, Member Care, Mission Organizations


Despite the great effort of the Brazilian Missionary Movement in the issue of member care, from the qualification/training period, throughout the missionary journey until the time for return and retirement, the stress and damage caused by conflict situations in Missionary Life continue to be a challenge to be researched. Considering this reality, this article aims to present the Coaching Methodology, as another support approach in conflict management in Missionary Life. Through exploratory research on the topic of conflict and Coaching, and its impact and solutions within mission organizations and its missionaries, it was confirmed that in spite of much that has been done, conflict is part of human life and will always be present in human relationships and, consequently, in Missionary Life. Beyond the definitions of the Coaching Methodology, similarities with Biblical principles have been presented. Analysis of the data reveals that when the method is used in a Christian biblical context, centered in Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the methodology can benefit both missionaries and mission agencies giving them an opportunity for development and growth through conflict. In view of these results, it is considered feasible to carry out further research to update the data presented here and to confirm the importance of Coaching applied to various situations of conflict in Missionary Life.

Author Biography

Teresa Cristina Belchior dos Santos

Mestre em Teologia pelo Centro Evangélico de Missões (C.E.M.) em Viçosa, graduada em Serviço Social pela Universidade Castelo Branco, RJ. Graduada em conhecimentos gerais com ênfase Bíblica e Missões, pelo seminário Toccoa Falls College. Pós graduada em Elaboração de Projetos e Administração de organizações do terceiro Setor pelo Instituto de Economia da UFRJ. Graduada em Coaching Missionário pelo pelo Coaching Mission International, nos Estados Unidos. Formada em Liderança Avançada, pelo Instituto Haggai em Singapura. Serve como missionária há 34 anos e no último ano serve na SEPAL Brasil, juntamente com seu esposo Marc Pinneo, atuando no treinamento, desenvolvimento e cuidado missionário.


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