Mission, Culture, Missional Church, Contextualization, Secularism, Post-modernityAbstract
This paper proposes an investigation into the defining characteristics of a Missional Church in the 21st century. Through bibliographical research it examines what kind of relationship this Church must establish with culture in order to be recognized by it as an essential and loving organism. To do so, it seeks to refine and deepen the understanding of the terms: Culture, Contextualization, and Missional Church. It investigates the history of secularism, a movement that exerts great influence on the present generation and has fomented the constitution of a post-Christian society, which removes God from the center and puts man in his place. It is in this scenario that the Church of our days struggles to exist, to resist, therefore, this article presents possibilities of acting together with this culture, encourages the building of bridges, in such a way that the Church is noticed and respected for its relevance, for the way it serves everyone for the common good, reflecting the character of Christ in the public sphere.
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