
  • Caleb Mubarak



Missio Dei, God's kingdom, Islam, Church, Contextualization, Coexistence


Why is compliance with the missio Dei so important? The answer is simple. In the Holy Scriptures the Eternal states that he is committed to bringing His Kingdom to its maximum expression. The Kingdom of God is that new order of events begun in Christ which, when finally completed by him, will involve a proper restoration not only of man's relationship to God, but in every possible sphere of psychology. This article will be an attempt to succinctly summarize the understanding of the notion of missio Dei and its acceptance and development in protestant missionary theology, executed as an order given to the Church, in particular that developed by cross-cultural missionaries in an attempt to proclaim and signal the Kingdom of God between peoples who profess Islam as their system of faith and practice in a contextualized manner and in coexistence. It is not Christianity that Muslims need to see. It's Jesus.

Author Biography

Caleb Mubarak

Doutorando pelo Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Missouri/EUA e mestre pelo Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas/EUA. Especialista em Ciência do Islamismo & Psicologia de Emergências, Catástrofes e Perdas Pessoais, ambos cursados na Espanha. É missionário da Junta de Missões Mundiais desde 2003 e atua no mundo árabe desde 2005. Até 2020 esteve liderando viagens voluntárias entre refugiados sírios em três países do Oriente Médio. Atualmente está vivendo com sua família no Oriente Médio, num dos países da região do Levante.


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2023-01-31 — Updated on 2023-06-27
