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  • Edilberto Busto Junior



Persecution, Church, Unit, Mission


The last twenty years are a part of history where there has been more persecution of Christians since the Early Church. On all continents, it is possible to observe an increase in persecution and discrimination against those who profess faith in Jesus. And this escalation has been offered in different ways and has been perpetrated by different actors. In this sense, the words of Jesus in chapter 21 of the Gospel of Luke were never more present in the life of the Church of Christ: “and they will persecute you…”. The purpose of this article is to analyze the text of Luke 21:12-19 in the light of the theme of religious persecution. In order to do so, some concepts about religious persecution will be addressed, as well as a brief overview of elements about persecution in the Gospel of Luke.

Author Biography

Edilberto Busto Junior

Missionário da Missão MAIS Brasil e da Missão a A Voz Dos Mártires Portugal. Mestrando em Teologia pelo Seminário Teológico Baptista Português - Portugal, bacharel em Teologia pela Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana - FTSA e bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Metodista Bennett – RJ, Brasil.


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