

Missional Church, Environmental Justice, Missio Dei, Environment


This article discusses how the missional church understands its ecological role from the perspective of Missio Dei. In current times, wild capitalism has given way to the excessive exploitation of natural resources, the creation of countless polluting industries that result in the mass production of various goods and services with a view to profit at all costs. On the other hand, marginalized social groups are those who most feel the direct impacts resulting from the presence of these enterprises. In light of this, what is the role of the Church in relation to environmental issues, and how can the concept of missio Dei awaken the church to greater engagement in caring for the environment? The article argues that the Missio Dei is the hermeneutical key to understanding the History of Redemption. Therefore, the church is presented as the miniature and guardian of the Garden, therefore, it is necessary for it to get involved through concrete actions aimed at caring for the environment.


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